Sunday, September 28, 2008

40 years Old

Well everyone I have made it to 40 years and I feel like it LOL.
had a party last night went pretty good until my mother-n-law opened her mouth about the way I talk to Kenny.... go figure her own son talks way worst then I but lets try to put good old Todd in his place!!! Well lets say after that little talk down it kind of set the mood for the rest of the night for me I figure there are lines that should never be crossed but she figures she is above that and she can pass judgement in my house, LOL I dont think so if it wasnt for my loving wife wanting to be here I would have moved back to Pheonix last year. and a update in the Ninja I got from my brother-n-law..... still not running LOL he has told me the parts have been on order for two months now and still nothing? sounds a little fishy to me every time I mention I should just take it to the shop to get fixed every one around me tells me " Oh no dont do that and spend the money the parts will be here soon " everyone around here is so fucking concerned about how much money we have and are spending it's a fucking joke.... maybe one day they will finaly open there eyes and see I dont give a fuck what they think LOL.
well I think I have vented enuff about all of this just it put me in a bad mood last night and I am still pissed about it today I even stayed home from church because I didnt want to run into my MONSTER-N-LAW it must be awful lonely up there all alone on that pedastal for her HA HA finaly I got the last word LOL

Thursday, September 11, 2008

this is what we should be doing....

Mmmmmm, Mmmmmmm Bitch!!!!! got to love this guy he is funny as hell.

Idea for the day....

Learn it, Live it, Love it

Friday, September 5, 2008


All I have to say is WOW


got to love this LOL

I think I may get one.... you know just to wear around the house, HA HA